Praying/Journaling with the Messages
Lectio Divina, Philip St. Romain, 6 min., 49 sec. |
Contemplative Prayer, Philip St. Romain 6 min., 50 sec. |
Freedom to Choose, Philip St. Romain. 2 min., 43 sec. |
Jesus the Light, Louise Hageman, OP. 3 min., 10 sec. |
Everyday Agape, Joel Christoph, OP. 3 min., 31 sec. |
Count Your Blessings, Philip St. Romain. 2 min., 10 sec. |
A Little is Enough, Joel Christoph, OP. 3 min., 31 sec. |
Travel Lightly, Louise Hageman. 2 min., 3 sec. |
Come to Your Senses, Philip St. Romain. 2 min., 38 sec. |
Live One Day at a Time, Philip St. Romain. 3 min., 56 sec. |
Do What You're Doing, Lisa Bellecci-st. romain. 4 min., 26 sec. |
Live by Principles, Louise Hageman, OP. 2 min., 52 sec. |
Resurrection Living, Philip St. Romain. 3 min., 24 sec. |
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