Posted by Phil on April 01, 1999 at 08:06:38:
Jesus is playing golf with Simon Peter. On the 9th hole Jesus, considering what
club he should use, says, "I think I'll use a 9 iron. "
Peter replied, "I think Tiger Woods would use a 7." Jesus says, "I'll use a
9." And he does. The ball goes up, veers to the left and into the lake. He
walks on the water, grabs his ball, and returns to Simon Peter for another try.
"Master," says the future pope, "Really, Tiger Woods would use a 7 iron."
Jesus thinks about it for a while and uses a 9 iron. The ball goes up, veers
to the left and into the lake. Jesus walks on water and reaches down to grab
his ball.
Nearby golfers watching this comment to Simon Peter, "Who does your friend
think he his, Jesus Christ?" "No," said Simon, "Tiger Woods!"