Posted by Philip St. Romain on June 09, 19100 at 07:16:30:
In Reply to: Enlightenment posted by Lynn on June 09, 19100 at 07:14:58:
Posted by Philip St. Romain on June 07, 19100 at 07:49:08:
In Reply to: Enlightenment posted by Lynn on June 03, 19100 at 05:54:30:
: Enlightenment: An Open Letter to Phil
: Dear Phil,
: I recently attended a lecture with the apparently enlightened spiritual teacher, Andrew Cohen. I have
: also heard that you are enlightened. So, I have
: several questions for you about the subject:
Whoever told you I was enlightened is endarkened. I know something of what people who write about this describe, but, mostly, I don't concern myself with whether I am or am not.
: 1. Are you familiar with Cohen's teachings on enlightenment?
: What is your opinion of his teachings?
Don't know about him, or his teachings.
: 2. What guidelines can we use to tell if someone who says they are enlightened really are enlightened?
I don't know. You only know if you trust someone or not by their actions. Beyond this, it matters not if they are enlightened or not. Enlightenment is no guarantee of moral behavior, or theological orthodoxy, or even contemplative union. It's simply unencumbered awareness, and a direct perception of the self and reality. Probably all people know this to some degree at some time. Few people experience it as a more or less constant state.
: 3. Do you know of any other people in the United States who currently place genuine claims on the state of enlightenment? If so, who are they?
There are many who make such claims, but who knows if they really are? They might be able to talk the talk--to say that their experience is what others have described--but one cannot be under their skin to know for sure. Perhaps their spiritual director or mentor could validate.
: 4. In what ways are you specifically using your enlightenment to benefit others and advance the evolution of humankind?
I am responding to your post. : )
: 5. Is there a relationship between realizing enlightenment and the Christian contemplative idea of
: union with the Divine? Are they two different things or one in the same thing?
Yes. : )
: With gratitude,
: Lynn
OK, so now you know all about enlightenment, and you can be enlightened, too. Ha ha.