Posted by Gold Acacia on May 16, 19101 at 08:25:04:
In Reply to: Re: Emotions & Spiritual Development posted by Diana on May 16, 19101 at 04:16:22:
I see now what you meant by the duck comment. I suppose it was foolish of me to think that your motives for questioning me were pure. I know better now.
Yes, I do meet with the group of believers known as "The Local Church." But it should be pointed out clearly that we are only called "The Local Church" because of the lack of denominational affiliation. We are not a denomination. So what I told you about the way we meet was true.
How pitiful it is that we should need to qualify each other with denominational affiliations! The term "member" has been degraded so far as to have become an identity with a particular division. We are members of the Body of Christ (Rom 12:4-5; 1Cor. 6:15, 12:12, 25, 27; Eph. 3:6, 5:30) and members of the household of God (Eph. 2:19)! Christianity is not a health club!
As for Jim Moran, well, you can believe him if you want. He has a right to his opinion. But I can tell you from experience that he is niether unbiased, nor is he fair in his assessments.
We have been up-front and honest about what we believe from the very start. We have nothing to hide from anyone. If you want to get a more balanced view and decide for yourself, I suggest you also visit the following sites:
On a more personal note, I would like to say that I am a little dissapointed. Although I am not offended in the least, I have to admit that it bothers me that someone would ask a bunch of loaded questions and make a statement like "if it walks like a duck..." I would have thought that a fellow believer would have been more pure in their motives for asking simple questions. In the future, I would suggest that if you really want to know what I believe you just ask in a simple and pure way.
~G (Your SISTER in Christ)