Re: To Diana....

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Posted by Diana on May 17, 19101 at 04:03:11:

In Reply to: To Diana.... posted by Gold Acacia on May 16, 19101 at 13:50:51:

Dear Gold,

I'd like to respond to several of your comments with this post. So, please bear with me.

First, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were a woman. I thought I was talking with a man.
I don't know you at all. There are some obvious limitations to the internet. I'm sorry for the gender mistake.

Second, since I don't know you at all, I had no idea why you were here. I had questions about your purpose because of the content of some of your posts, which I found to be condescending and proselytizing, at times. I have no apologies for asking questions that would inform me and others of your purpose.

In nature, there is a bird that takes over
another's nest. Shalomplace is Phil's "nest," so to speak. It is a place where he nourishes other fledglings with morsels of knowledge. If his "nest" is being "violated", I think he should be made aware of it.

As for your opinion on denominations, I think it is in the way the word "denomination" is used that its value is determined. Therefore, denominations can be divisive. However, they can also be uniting. They give me an opportunity to know where someone is coming from and enable me to understand them better. BTW, one of the definitions for the word "denomination" in the "American Heritage College Dictionary" is "A name or designation, esp. for a class or group." So, in that sense, you are, indeed, part of a denomination which would be the Local Church Movement.

As for your constant reliance on Biblical quotes, I find this not at all helpful. I also find it bordering on, what I see, as a form of Biblical idolatry which can, in some instances, actually take away from seeing God in non-Christian Scripture and in our everyday life. Scripture can be used to support almost any viewpoint. As we both know, even the devil can quote Scripture.

Your opinion of Peter and the papacy is also a point of disagreement for me. I think Peter is exactly the type of person who Jesus would have chosen to head an organization. He was totally human, made mistakes often, and learned from his mistakes. It was obvious that he wasn't doing the work but God was doing it through him.

I have no interest in debating with you or anyone else on doctrinal matters. I have no interest in the local church movement.

In order for productive dialogue to occur, it's been my experience that many of the points contained in Leonard Swidler's "The Dialogue Decalogue" must be present. (

The philosopher, Bertrand Russell, wrote an excellent piece entitled "Why I am Not A Christian" which points out some of the foibles and negative aspects of Christianity. I recommend it.

Thank you for your invitation.



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