Posted by James on June 04, 19101 at 12:51:47:
In Reply to: Re: The Local Church movement of Witness Lee posted by Jim Moran on May 20, 19101 at 18:09:45:
: Respectfully, I would not put Witness Lee and Watchman Nee in the same camp with Martin Luther, Wesley, and Zinzendorf.
: With Jim Jones, Mary Baker Eddy, Ellen G. White, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Charles Taze Russell, and Herbert W. Armstrong - YES!
Out of respect to the owner of this board, I will add only one reply then leave. I'm sure arguments such as this are not appreciated. From the looks of it, this bulletin board is not for dicussions and/ or comments like yours, but for questions/ comments concerning the Catholic faith. The three posters above would do well to remember that in the future and respect the wishes of the forum administrator.
With respect to your comments above, Jim, I am shocked that a so-called Christian and graduate of the well-respected Moody Bible College would group anyone with the cult leaders you mentioned above. Doing so shows great disrespect for the persons whom you are supposedly providing "information" on. Jim Jones was a cult fanatic and loonatic who poisoned men, women and children. Has either Witness Lee or Watchman Nee done anything like THAT? How dare you.
I've been reading the writings of Watchman Nee for years. Many of his writings are appreciated and enjoyed by Christians the world around. I have also read some of Witness Lee's writings, and appreciate them as well. I also have lots of friends with whom I've shared these books, and they like them too! You are doing a great disservice in my opinion...
...Now go somewhere else and play nice with the other kids....