Posted by Phil on July 03, 19101 at 06:15:56:
In Reply to: Re: Rainbow Sash posted by nickholl on July 03, 19101 at 04:14:05:
Are there any situations/cicumstances when you believe we should turn someone away from Eucharist? Can you imagine any such situation?
Sorry for the inadvertent post, gang. I'll delete it sometime soon.
Yes, Nick, there are reasons to turn people away from the Eucharist (is that a trick or loaded question?). There always have been. Non-Christians were never allowed, and even in the earliest times, people who had not been instructed in the Faith were not allowed, nor people in serious sin. This is the case today just as it was then. I don't really have a problem with that, as I noted on another thread. To do anything less demeans the integrity of the Sacrament.