Posted by Violet on September 28, 19100 at 09:45:39:
In Reply to: Re: Sins posted by Philip St. Romain on September 28, 19100 at 07:44:37:
: Sorry, dear one!
: When Christians use the term Good News, we mean Jn. 3: 16.
: Peace,
: Phil
From "The Heart of the World- A Spiritual Cathechism" by Thomas Keating.
From Chapter 6, Salvation.....
..."Paul says that anyone who truly seeks God, believing that God will reward him, will receive the gift of grace. In other words, when anyone follows his conscience, in which the law of God is written, at some point he will meet the grace of Christ, since it is offered to everyone of good will. Whether he knows the historical Jesus or not, he will come to know Christ as the eternal Word of God, the Cosmic Christ, who "enlightens everyone" (John 1:9) and throught whom "all things are made" (John 1:3). He will come to know the Christ who is in the inmost conscience of every man and woman, waiting to manifest himself to them in the degree that they follow the promptings of their conscience. Whoever attains to grace, attains the grace of Christ......"
(p. 37)