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The Dominican Sisters in Great Bend, KS will remember your intentions in prayer, and we ask that you pray for those who have posted their requests as well.
Name: Emanuel Joseph S/o Wiru Jiwan/Alice Wiru
From: Pakistan, Karachi, Baldia Town, St Luke's Parish, Karachi.
E-mail: Contact
Christian Greetings.
Reverend Sister(s).
I am receiving the Word of God for my soiritual growth guidance. During my schooling I was inspired of the missionaries of thevMethodist Church and Catholic Church during my school education in Christian Schools. I determined to serve the Lord and His people for their spiritual growth and social restoration/uplift. I took keen interest in my education. I am thankfilul to God for sacrifices of my beloved mother, Christian Institutions for good academic record. There has been a series of failures, financial losses, worries, despair in my life till 1998. which came to an end by the prayers of the elders of the Church. I wish to serve the Lord and have completed two yrs dip in theology. Pl pray for my successes in future. May God bless you all in Jesus gracious name, Amen.