Re: Christ OS (The Paradigm - so far): the Trinity

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Posted by Teresita on January 25, 19101 at 12:46:01:

In Reply to: Re: Christ OS (The Paradigm - so far) posted by johnboy on January 25, 19101 at 10:13:25:

: Dear Philo and PxOS Systems Analysts:

: can anyone summarize where we are, so far, in the development of this paradigm? where is there consensus? where disagreement?


Hi jboy and group,

I manage a small network of PC's for a local business, and I teach theology at a small college as well. A friend referred me to this website, and then I found my way to this disucssion.

I haven't read all the exchanges, but one of the lessons I teach in my theology class attempts to relate the Trinity to my class. I'll give you the skinny on it below, and you can see if it can be related to the computer/OS metaphor.

God the Father/Creator is the Intelligence/Will responsible for the creation and existence of the universe.

God the Son is the Idea or Word expressed by the Father, and thus the means through Whom the Father creates.

God the Holy Spirit is the Energy with Whom God the Father creates through the Word.

These Three are not totally separate, of course. The Word is not separate from the Creator, but is the Creator's Self-expression. Likewise, the Divine Energy is not something separate from the Creator, but moves as the Intelligence and Volition of the Creator moves It, to energize the Divine Ideas expressed through the Word.

Father = Intelligence/Volition
Son = Word/Form
Spirit = Energy


In the computer analogy now:

Human being is the creator
Hardware/Software is the form/expression
Electricity is the energy


Woody's earlier question about whether hardware peripherals can be brought into the discussion has merit in this light. An OS can do nothing without the proper hardware, and hardware is enabled to express human intelligence because of hardware and software.

But nothing, dear friends, works without electricity.

Just think of it: all the stuff we see on our monitors is naught but electricity filtered through some very complex structures (hardware, OS, software). In like manner, what we see in creation is the Energy of God manifest through all created forms, revealing the Intelligence and Will of the Creator.

Enough. Got to run, but I hope this sparks something.


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