Image of Jesus

Philip St. Romain

Transformation of the Ego and Dynamic Ground
(from Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality©)

Ego and Dynamic Ground

1. From Original Embedment in the Dynamic Ground of Conscious ness to the Mental-Conceptual Ego. From "Am" to "I am my self-concept."

A. Through acts of Repression, the "I" of self-awareness sep arates itself from the mother, the Dynamic Ground, the body, and precognitive energies, finally coming to rest in the cortex, where it identifies with the powers of the cortex--especially speech and thought.

B. Attitude of Mental Ego: "I think, therefore I am." Mental Ego is that which it thinks it is--i.e., its self-concept.

C. Using the metaphor of self-concept as a house, we can say that the "I" of self-awareness lives in the house of self-concept, and peers out at the world through its win dows. The "I" sometimes journeys out of its conceptual house during ecstatic experiences (e.g., sex, sports, cre ative work, movies), but its true home is in the house of self-concept, and not outside.

2. From Mental-Conceptual Ego to Spirit-Centered Ego.

A. From "I am myself concept" to "I am a Christian moved by the Spirit."

B. Egoic structure is still Mental-Conceptual, self-awareness bonded with self-concept, but self-concept is centered in Christ, and the defenses have been loosened so that energies from the Spirit may enter Ego.

C. The self-conceptual house has its windows opened so that loving energies from without may flow through. Ener gies also enter this house from the unconscious and the Ground below. The interior of the house is arranged to give glory to Christ. The "I" is growing comfortable with the energies outside the house, since they flow through the house itself. Through natural and prayerful ecstatic experiences, the "I" is becoming accommodated to life outside the house.

3. Regression of the Ego in the Service of Transcendence.

A. The forces of Original Repression are reversed as the Ego is allowed to experience its unconscious base.

B. The unconscious is healed of emotional pain, allowing the deeper energies of the Ground, or Soul, to emerge into consciousness. This energy from the Ground, or Soul Energy, is kundalirti.

C. With the healing of emotional pain, the bond between the "I" of self-awareness and self-concept is broken. The "I" feels disoriented at first, and tries to "find itself," i.e., reconnect with self-concept.

D. The Ground turns out to be more than cool, fertile dirt: it was really an inactive volcano. At this stage, the vol cano becomes active. With the eruption of steam and magma, the "I" flees the house of self-concept. Hence forth, it lives in ecstasy, although at first this is experienced as dissociation.

E. Still centered in the Spirit, the "I" does not panic. The "I" does not give up its right to be; rather, it asserts its right to be. This is the meaning of the Scriptural idea of wrestling with God. Sitting in the eye of the volcano, the "I" does not move, but learns to wait patiently for the next phase, which it knows to be coming.

Realization of the True Self. "I Am."

A. The "I" of self-awareness becomes integrated with the "Am" of the Dynamic Ground, or Soul.

B. The house of self-concept can be seen on the slope of the volcano, but the "I" does not live there any longer. It has found a new home for the energy it is receiving: the body. In reconnecting with the primal energies of the body, the "I" experiences itself as an energy body within the physical body

C. There is a return to the cosmic experience of the Great Mother, as the "I" now enjoys the energies of the Dynamic Ground within, and, in place of the nurturing parent, the Cosmos without, which is one with the Ground.

D. The awareness of the "I" is experienced as arising from the Ground itself. The "I" now sees from its "Am," or root. This is the realization of the True Self.
