Posted by Phil on November 17, 19100 at 19:00:49:
In Reply to: Family posted by Rebecca Myers on November 13, 19100 at 10:08:30:
: My family has always had it rough, especially on my mom. It is now falling apart again . . .
I get the picture, Rebecca. Pretty miserable, isn't it?
Your first duty is to take care of yourself, manage your health, develop your mind, deepen your faith. No matter what happens to the rest of the family, this you must do.
Your mom probably feels trapped because of many factors. The unhealthy nature of the relationship also makes it difficult for her to see just how skewed her idea of what "normal" is. Of course, she is not trapped, and has a choice between remaining in a lousy relationship or leaving. She might also press for changes, counseling, and whatever else she needs to make things work.
You can tell your mom what you see happening, how you feel, how you care for her, etc. But the decision to stay or leave is hers.
Prayers and best wishes.