Posted by Kathy on May 09, 19101 at 13:03:53:
In Reply to: Re: The Local Church movement of Witness Lee posted by Gold Acacia on May 02, 19101 at 14:47:28:
: Ignore Jim Moran's comments. Both Witness Lee and Watchman Nee were prolific writers who greatly benefit the Body of Christ in spiritual growth. Simply because they vary from traditional orthodoxy is no indication that they are heretics or cult leaders. Martin Luther himself did not conform to tradtional orthodoxy in much the same way, yet without his light we might still all be under Catholicism. Ignore, Jim and his so-called "Light of Truth."
As for the research I have done on Wittness Lee, I have found that the Local Church is not at all what it makes itself to be. Wittness Lee claims that when he "crossed over the pacific ocean, he dropped his doctrines in it and found a new way" - Now, tell me how Biblical that is? Witness Lee is the leader of his own twist of Christianity. He makes claims that are not Biblical... Unfortunatly, many have fallen for the lies. We need to pray as brothers and sisters in Christ for the members of the Local Church... I have a friend that was raised in the ways of Witness Lee- My heart breaks for him, he has so much knowledge of the Bible, he has just tristed it, and has become one more of those who are being decieved