Re: Emotions & Spiritual Development

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Posted by Gold Acacia on May 11, 19101 at 08:14:39:

In Reply to: Re: Emotions & Spiritual Development posted by Diana on May 10, 19101 at 19:24:56:

Are you a Protestant minister?

Well, that depends on what you mean by "protestant." I think from a Catholic view (and correct me if I'm wrong, Diana or Phil), every denomination other than Catholic is protestant, since technically the Protestants were the first division. My church history is a bit fuzzy in that area. So, technically speaking, yes, I am a protestant. However, I do not meet with the Prostestant denomination. This goes to your second question as well.
I am of no denomination. But even in saying that I am "non-denomination" it seems as though I am still saying the I am in a denomination. I meet with a group of believers in my city to fellowship, break bread, pray, sing, worship, etc. Personally, I believe that denominationism has been the greatest stumbling block in the church throughout history. Much building up has been lost to division.

Have you come here for dialogue, debate, to convert, or to be converted?

Dialogue, yes. Debate, perhaps (I always enjoy a good debate). Convert? Never. Be converted? From what, to what?

I hope you're not offended by my questions.

I am hardly ever offended by questions, or even most comments for that matter, so long as the questions and comments are made out of respect and common courtesy. I know how some groups can engage in heated "debates" which really amount to arguments. I think such things are silly and cause much more damage than anything else. I just enjoy fellowshipping with other members of the Body of Christ!


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