Posted by Phil St. Romain on May 18, 19101 at 05:47:05:
In Reply to: Re: Roman Catholic Organization: is the true Church posted by Gold Acacia on May 16, 19101 at 12:26:28:
in asking the popular question WWJD? What would make one think that Christ would call people out of one degraded system into another system that would eventually become degraded itself?
Can't believe I missed this first time around, but there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that Christ called people out of Judaism, is there? In fact, he himself did not abandon the Judaism of his time, attended the festivals and holy days, taught people not to despise the Law, and celebrated the Seder with his disciples the night before he died. He even paid the Temple tax, while denouncing the extortionist practices of the Temple.
And what degraded system are you referring to when you say "that would eventually become degraded"?
Hmmm. This is blatant anti-Catholicism, friend!
If you want to talk about degraded systems, go somewhere else. If you want to compare notes and engage in respectful dialogue, you may stay.
Now consider this: as soon as human beings become part of any venture--Christianity or otherwise--it will become somewhat tainted, and eventually this will show up at the organizational and institutional level. There are no pure, perfect human beings out there--not even in your Church! I know that for sure, as I have much experience of your Church through a sister-in-law.
Now, cease and desist with this anti-Ca