Re: Where is the Body of Christ?

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Posted by Anne Ward on June 23, 19101 at 13:22:04:

In Reply to: Re: Where is the Body of Christ? posted by Diana on June 22, 19101 at 04:25:49:

: Just an additional note.....I can't imagine a God of overwhelming Love denying the Body of Christ in the Eucharist to other members of the Body of Christ. I think this practice is making the Eucharist a stumbling block. One group seems to be saying,'We own the Body of Christ." The other is saying, "No!" Meanwhile, both groups are overlooking what is inside of them and in front of their very eyes! That is.... the Body of Christ!

well, Diana...*I* think the Church is the one who decides. thank goodness, they don't ask me! :)

: What if all the Catholics using birth control wore arm bands to Mass? Would they be denied the Eucharist? How about the Catholics in favor of women's ordination? Would they, too, be denied the Eucharist?

For some reason, I imagine that IF those using birth control announced ahead of time that they would be wearing the armbands...and would be using the Eucharist as a means of confronting the Church in the hope of having the Church change its mind and revoke any rule on birth control...
well, that's what *I* think...doesn't mean much!

: So, what is the purpose of this denial?

Should the eucharist be a backdrop to any group trying to make some statement? I think the problem with Rainbow Sash is their method....or so it seems

How does it represent the Love of God? Is it fostering an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and growth or an atmosphere of judgmentalism, intolerance and the reward of parrotlike, superficial behavior? Doesn't this actually reward hypocrisy? The people who are courageous enough to proclaim their truths are ostracized and punished. Others are forced to go into hiding of their true beliefs and play verbal games with the institution....and only
: the people who regurgitate the words of the
: hierarchy are rewarded.

: Meanwhile, all this is being done in the name of
: a God of overwhelming Love and Compassion and Acceptance, a God of gentleness and beauty,
: a God who relentlessly pursues and delights....the God Jesus taught us to call Daddy.

God loves us all, but that doesn't mean He says okay to all behavior. Some behavior has been questionable from time immemorial.
Maybe it is best to allow the Church to decide. If we Catholics start 'deciding' what we like and don't like; what we think God should or shouldn't do; what the Church should or shouldn't do....well, gracious, sounds a bit like a bunch of protestants trying to decide on ANY issue.

The Church is our safety moves slow--unbelievably slow-but it moves in accordance with the Word and Tradition.

**not sure how this will come out as using this message board is not easy for me...

Hi, Phil!!! hope you are well.


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