Posted by Diana on June 27, 19101 at 06:32:05:
In Reply to: Re: Where is the Body of Christ? posted by Anne Ward on June 25, 19101 at 11:32:11:
Hi Anne,
Sorry to keep you waiting. As you know from my
private posts, I've been busy offline.
As you mentioned elsewhere, we really are all over the place with our conversation so I'll try to
narrow the focus a bit, if it's okay with you....
but we're still pretending to be in the same setting, ok?--Starbucks.
I know you are speaking out of friendly love and affection for me. I think you know I am doing likewise.
Now, it's your turn to sip on that very best Colombian coffee while I chatter.....
.... the 'punishment' is inherent in the behavior itself.
: **ah, lassie. tis true...we punish ourselves immensely, BUT there is still the temporal
: punishment...and dear ole purgatory. Purgatory is the most sensible of sensible.
: Diana...*I* just don't think we can get off that easy.....**
I need to make a correction in a word I used above, Anne. I should have used the word 'consequence' instead of punishment. I agree with you in that we do punish ourselves, at times. However, I think
saying that our behaviors have inherent consequences more accurately portrays my idea.
And, Anne, I think God loves us so much that
we do get off that easy! :)
*I* can do some of the dumbest things, but
: think they are the smartest ...until later. :)**
Yep. Me, too.
: In that case, we
: : really need a God that loves us through it all. The God of
: overwhelming Love, Compassion, and Mercy.
: **but we are still accountable, are we not? From your above statement, may I ask: do you
: believe in an afterlife....
: and if so, does that mean there is no punishment in the after life?
Of course I believe in an afterlife, Anne. However, I think heaven, hell, and purgatory can
and often do begin right here and now. We go through periods of purification on our spiritual journey. We sometimes create our own hell on earth. We also sometimes attain a realization of
union with God. It's happening all here and now. There's something that needs revision in our conception of time.....As you can see, I'm still working on this idea. :)
: **am going to look for the article**
If I find it, I'll let you know the exact issue and date. However, it had nothing to do with the rainbow sash movement. It was about the general tone of bullying.
(the abortion issue comments)... so probably be
: best to leave it be. ....using good dialogic dialogue, that is! ;0
Yep! I wholeheartedly agree. :)
: : More of D:
: **Diana...this is a bit like trying to bait me...but yes, I know the scripture...Gal 2:20,
Anne, I wasn't trying to bait you. I just guessed
correctly, in this case, that you would know it. :)
but cannot
: see how that is the same as the consecrated Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.
: I am struggling to find a way to explain it....ah, yes! We are all created by our Lord jesus
: Christ who was The Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...and
: therefore, since we are all created by Christ, then He abides in all. So, when I look at my
: neighbor, I am to see 'Christ' in that neighbor [not the jerk who has too many loudmouthed
: roosters who crow all day long---]
: That is not the same as the Christ present in the Eucharist...**
Yes, Anne, I understand what you're saying...and I love your example. :)
(in regards to my married people comment)
: **heheheeeeee .,only if you advertised as they did! :) sorry, but that tickled me funny bone.
: **
I can hear you laughing!!!! You are a sweetheart!
.... Now, no priest knows who is and who isn't
: in a state of grace as they
: : : come down to receive,......
My point exactly Anne. See! We agree here! :)
(in regards to the bishops who allowed the rainbow sash people to receive the Eucharist)
: **So, does that make it right? especially when the bishops had agreed the previous summer
: NOT to allow R.S. to receive. And one of the bishops...Bishop Clark....well, he is bishop of
: rochester area...and it took him 20 years or so, to finally stop a priest who was allowing nuns to
: give the homily, and other non-liturgically correct 'stuff'.....**
That's probably one of the reasons why I like him so much! :):):) He appears to be following his own
consciousness..... and at a great price.
: **I am not sure how to interpret maybe you might need to clarify, ok? I do know
: that the bishops, during Atlanta mtg., were concerned about the lack of many Catholics to
: understand the REAL Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist....[via transubstantiation],...and they
: have reaffirmed transusbstaniation completely. You can read it at their website, if you
: can be found at:
Anne, I already believe in the real presence so I don't have to read what the Bishops said about it.
I just think that even Jesus would put the real presence secondary to the hurt it is causing to
human beings who are being treated as deficient and being denied a seat at the family table. I tend to think Jesus would get up, leave the dinner, and go sit outdoors with the person who is rejected. THAT'S how much I think God LOVES us.
Jesus bent and broke rules for people frequently.
He cared about the individual human being much more than he cared about rules.
: : I haven't come up with a formal definition for the Sacraments
: yet....:)
: **There are some great ones in the Catechism! :)
You are being a smarty pants Anne Ward! And, I like you a lot !!! :):):)
Now, let me finish this brownie and suffer the consequences!!! :)
(Oh, and Phil... thanks for not pointing all our non-sequitors and stuff. :))
Your online friend,