Re: Rainbow Sash

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Posted by Anne Ward on July 02, 19101 at 18:36:34:

In Reply to: Re: Rainbow Sash posted by Nick Holloway on July 02, 19101 at 16:23:27:

Phil wrote:

: "There's nothing in the teaching of the Church which bans people who have a homosexual orientation from the Eucharist--not even if they are open and "out of the closet," as it were, about this. Perhaps you have misunderstood the teaching?"

Ken, the teaching applies to celibate homosexuals just as it would to celibate heterosexuals. The homosexuality orientation CANNOT keep you from the Eucharist; participating in the act of homosexuality and informing your priest of such would keep you from receiving. or so it would seem

: A question by way of response:

: Is it right that we ever turn anyone away from Eucharist?

anyone, ANYONE, not in a state of grace should never for being turned away? IF one has made it clear that they regularly practice fornication [heterosexual acting out] or by wearing some symbol that declares one to be a homosexual who may or may not be celibate. The sash doesn't discriminate in that way. Also anytime anyone using the Eucharist to make a political statement or try to confront are, in my opinion, not as interested in receiving our Lord but in calling attention to themselves.
I had best quit.....

I said all I care to say re: the subject in the dialog with Diana. I would suggest you read the posts there.
I am amazed always at how some people want exemptions ....

see y'all after the 4th....I hope!

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