Posted by Nick Holloway on July 03, 19101 at 04:01:23:
In Reply to: Re: Rainbow Sash posted by Anne Ward on July 02, 19101 at 18:36:34:
Hi Anne,
I appreciate your direct and clear response. Many thanks for taking the time to offer this.
Anne wrote:
>I said all I care to say re: the subject in the >dialog with Diana. I would suggest you read the >posts there.
I did read your engaged and forthright dialogue with Diana (and Phil) before I posted here. Thank you again for sharing that.
: I am amazed always at how some people want exemptions ....
For myself, I don't seek exemptions. It's my belief that we should turn no person away from our Eucharistic meal. That is not a case for exemptions, that is a desire for an open meal, open fellowship, open Table.
: Phil wrote:
: : "There's nothing in the teaching of the Church which bans people who have a homosexual orientation from the Eucharist--not even if they are open and "out of the closet," as it were, about this. Perhaps you have misunderstood the teaching?"
: Ken, the teaching applies to celibate homosexuals just as it would to celibate heterosexuals. The homosexuality orientation CANNOT keep you from the Eucharist; participating in the act of homosexuality and informing your priest of such would keep you from receiving. or so it would seem
: : A question by way of response:
: : Is it right that we ever turn anyone away from Eucharist?
: anyone, ANYONE, not in a state of grace should never for being turned away? IF one has made it clear that they regularly practice fornication [heterosexual acting out] or by wearing some symbol that declares one to be a homosexual who may or may not be celibate. The sash doesn't discriminate in that way. Also anytime anyone using the Eucharist to make a political statement or try to confront are, in my opinion, not as interested in receiving our Lord but in calling attention to themselves.
: I had best quit.....
: I said all I care to say re: the subject in the dialog with Diana. I would suggest you read the posts there.
: I am amazed always at how some people want exemptions ....
: see y'all after the 4th....I hope!