Re: Rainbow Sash

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Posted by Anne Ward on July 03, 19101 at 05:48:51:

In Reply to: Re: Rainbow Sash posted by Diana on July 03, 19101 at 03:46:31:

ah, Diana....Brennan Manning-the love of my life! [well, you know what I mean!] The Ragamuffin Gospel is and was one of my favorites of all books re: the grace of God. But I have to reread some sections but I don't think Manning was for 'cheap' grace.

You bet, Jesus ate with those the rest of society frowned upon which is one reason we have such great love for our Lord, but if you look at the times when He was healing, most often He said...;Go and sin no more. Not that sin caused the suffering, but to make sure that the person did not put themselves in a situation where they would put themselves in jeoprody again. The woman caught in adultery was greatly loved and protected by our Lord BUT not to the point where He said she could continue in adultery.

sorry....I gotta eat!!!!!!!!!

but Diana, What is it YOU want from the Church? Throw the doors open and invite everyone in to participate in the Eucharist, receive our Lord --not knowing that they are truly eating the Body and Blood of our Lord, making sure no one is responsible for their own behavior....and throwing certain portions of scripture and most all of Tradition out the door?
I know you don't mean all that....but I ask you about what kind of church you would have if you could..and you said it would consist of the 'people of God'. Now define that please...:)

off to eat .......

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