Posted by Warren on August 25, 19100 at 11:36:51:
In Reply to: Re: Resolution of birth control controversy. posted by Philip St. Romain on August 25, 19100 at 07:15:42:
Dear Phil and others,
I've read that web page on US Catholic, and find it pretty liberal. I don't see how a Catholic publication could print such a thing and not be run out of town by the Vatican.
So what if 80% of Catholics don't follow the teaching! That doesn't make them right and the pope wrong. Truth is not determined by majority vote.
So what if that birth control commission voted to change the traditional position. Their opinion doesn't matter more than the pope's. The pope tells us what Catholics believe, not a committee.
Look at the awful mess we've come into since Catholics started just doing their own thing. Most of them don't even believe in the Eucharist any more. Once we open the door to picking and choosing what beliefs we will follow, then all hell breaks loose.
I will be interested to see your response to this, and have alerted our diocese to what's happening on this site. You advertise yourself as someone associated with Heartland Center for Spirituality, and I see from the link to it that this is a Catholic institution. Be careful what you say to people.