Re: Sins

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Posted by Violet on September 27, 19100 at 07:38:01:

In Reply to: Re: Sins posted by Philip St. Romain on September 26, 19100 at 09:11:23:

: : :I don't see where the arrogance and vanity come in.

: : It comes from the belief that YOUR faith is the right one, and that it is somehow a good thing to persuade (or trick) others into believing the same...

: So, what's wrong with that? We DO believe we have good news, and that's what we preach. No tricks involved.


Excuse me for interjecting something here.
There are many in our Church who do come across as sounding arrogant and vain with their proclamations about Church superiority. Some people pretend that their Churches are like their parents in the sense that....My Dad is better, bigger, stronger than your Dad. Thankfully, many adults grow out of that phase. Some people also liken Churches to high schools using the 'We're #1' slogan even though it really isn't true. So, can you see how Guy is actually bringing up a good point? Also, can you see how this young man is
obviously interested in religion or he wouldn't be here in the first place?

The good news as I understand it is that when anyone follows their conscience, in which God's law is written, at some point he will meet up with Christ's grace.....whether he knows the historical Jesus or not. He will come to know the Cosmic Christ who 'enlightens everyone" (John 1:9).
Now, that, indeed, is good news.

: Now listen, friend, you really don't have much going on this thread except some pretty subjective judgments which reflect a lot of anger and bitterness.

Phil, people have feelings. So many have been hurt by organized religion in one way or another.
They are justifiably angry. I understand what Guy is saying and I have a hint of where he is coming from. Please respect this.



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