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Lent 2009: Resources for Spiritual Growth

Listed on this page are descriptors and links to eBooks, audio presentations and other resources we usually make available for sale through or The full version links will be provided to registrants. A free-will donation is requested to help support our ministry.

eBooks | Audio Presentations | eMail retreats | Spiritual Exercises

A few helpful eBooks . . .
- these are preview links only; the full version will be supplied following registration.

Growing in Inner Freedom can be used for daily inspiration. It has short reflections on basic spiritual attitudes and disciplines.

Lessons in Loving is an excellent resource to help one improve intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills. These are foundational in the spiritual life.

Twelve Steps to Spiritual Wholeness makes the Twelve Steps of recovery groups accessible to anyone in a Christian context.

Pathways to Serenity is another guide to spiritual growth and renewal making use of the Twelve Steps and other resources.

The Meaning of the Crucifixion
provides serious theological reflection on how God addressed the problem of sin through the crucifixion of Jesus.

Growing in Christ reflects on how we encounter Christ in his four modes of presence to us.

- for other eBook resources, click here

Audio Presentations
- What follows are several presentations with handouts from classes presented as part of the SpiritLife formation process at Heartland Center for Spirituality. Links will be provided for registrants.

Rhythm for Daily Living. Renee Dreiling OP.
Religious people from every faith have recognized the unfolding story of the universe summoning us to a stance of wonder while still offering a context for the ordinary activities of daily life. As the earth turns toward the sun we engage in creative activity; as the stars come to view we are called to reflect on the vastness of the universe and our place in it. The rhythm of work and prayer is reflected in the liturgical prayer of the Church.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (47 min.)
Review the handout

Working with the Twelve Steps. Renee Dreiling.
We will discover practical ways to apply some of the 12 step principles in our lives.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (65 min.)
Review the handouts
Kataphatic Prayer: Icons, Lectio Divina. Louise Hageman OP and Renee Dreiling OP..
The two prayer styles we will be using today are examples of kataphatic prayer i.e. prayer that is mediated through the senses. Through holy images or icons our spirits are nourished, our eyes are refreshed and our whole bodies become full of light. Icons are windows unto the vast spaciousness of God. Lectio Divina means “divine reading” and describes a way of reading the Scripture in order to let go of our own agenda and to open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. Through its four stages of reading, reflecting, responding, and resting, we allow God's word to penetrate our hearts so that we may grow in an intimate relationship with God.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (56 min.)
Handout on Lectio Divina
Handout on Praying with Icons

Encountering Christ. Philip St. Romain, D. Min.
How do we encounter Christ in his personal/historical, ecclesial (Church), sacramental, and cosmic modes of presence to us? We will review ways to do each.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (55 min.)
Review the handouts

People of the Trinity. Philip St. Romain, D. Min.
The New Covenant in Christ brings us into the family of the Trinity. We will reflect on what we mean by "Trinity" and how this understanding of God moves us to community.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (57 min.)
Review the handout

Contemplative Prayer Methods. Rev. Connie Burkholder, M. Div.
We might understand mystical contemplation as a "resting in God's love." This class will present methods of prayer that dispose us to receive this marvelous grace.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (38 min.)
Review the handout

Journaling Process. Rev. Connie Burkholder, M. Div.
Journaling assists us in that inner reaching toward meaning in life and toward a larger-than-personal connection that is present in all of us. Writing about where we are in the quest for wisdom, truth, meaning and a personal relationship with God gives us a groundedness as well as an openness to the truth of one's own journey.
Listen to the presentation in Real Audio (39 min.)
Review the handout

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- sign-up form to be provided to registrants.

The Way of Christian Spirituality
What do we mean by spirituality? Christian spirituality? How does one lead a Christian life? This series of 25 lessons will explore these topics in depth, including spiritual disciplines that enable growth in Christ, obstacles to growth, and living fully in the Spirit. The process will include teaching, references to resources, discussion and sharing experiences. Fill out and submit the form below to register. You will receive an email response with information on how to confirm your request.

The Five Consents
The language of consent figures prominently in the lives of many biblical figures. God, it seems, breaks into their lives with an invitation, leaving them free to consent or to refuse. From Abraham to Moses to David and Mary, we find this dynamic of invitation and consent at work to bring forth new life and transformation. It is as though God so respects the freedom we were given as to ask our co-operation in bringing forth God's dream for the earth and its inhabitants. To register, simply fill out the form below and submit it. You will receive an email response with information on how to confirm your request.

Spiritual Exercises
- full-version, printable download pdf link to be provided to registrants

Handbook for Spiritual Directees - a collection of resources on prayer, inner exploration, gift discernment, mission statement, and rule of life.