Posted by Maggie on December 12, 1998 at 06:23:28:
In Reply to: Re: Why doesn't the Catholic Church ordain women? posted by Jennifer Hill on December 02, 1998 at 20:17:46:
Quite apart from the fact that Jesus appointed only men as apostles, there is anecdotal evidence in the Scriptures of women disciples of Christ - ones who followed Him in His travels and supported His ministry. In addition, Paul cites the examples of several women who were leaders of house churches (the only kind that existed in the first century), of women who were deacons, evangelists, teachers, and prophets. Also, how does one ignore the radical equality of genders taught by both Jesus & Paul? In my opinion, the reason the Roman church has excluded women from full participation is the same reason other Christian churches have excluded them: the Church has been co-opted and perverted by sinful human nature and human social constrictions that were never intended to be a part of the Kingdom of God.
: When I was "in process" coming to "Rome", I wrestled with this issue a great deal. I was a candidate for ordination in the UMC & had come to believe my place was in the RC Church. It was a great struggle & has been a source of grief, but I have been more than compensated by the Sacramental life in the Church.
: One of my concerns w/ the ordination of women has been that historically, those churches which have chosen to ordain women tend to go rather far afield in all areas of doctrine & practice... ultimately damaging the Christian Faith.
: So, I have exercised my spirituality in the charism of Carmel, rooted in the Cross.
: Obviously, this is more of an experiential response, than a theologically reasoned one, but I tho't you might like to know something from one who deliberately chose to give up ordination. Jenn