Posted by Anne Ward on June 23, 19101 at 15:15:37:
In Reply to: Where is the Body of Christ? posted by Diana on June 18, 19101 at 04:37:26:
Where is the Body of Christ?
..I've recently heard talk of Catholics denying other Catholics the Eucharist. I'm wondering how
this could ever be appropriate. It seems as though one set of people have set themselves up as
judge andjury over another set in areas pertaining to religious matters...
*do you suppose it has anything to do with whether those being denied challenged the Church
is a most inappropriate way? Is the Eucharist a place where one be
challenge. Seems as if Catholics attend the Eucharist to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity of our Lord....not trying to make a sort of political statement....**
This first set of 'exclusivists' seem to claim that only their interpretations are correct and,
that gives them free license to dictate, dominate, and control others in the matter of religion.
seem to have turned Jesus into a moral professor, of sorts, who
delights in exclusion and judgmentalism and matters of the head. What happened to the Sacred
Heart? The overwhelming Love of God? and a focus on Compassion?
*God's love...ah, how marvelous it is! But you know, Love seems to be a bit of a challenge
sometimes. Does God's love cover and excuse all 'things'...all behaviors? I wonder. I know
He is a God of compassion; but there is Justice in there somewhere, I think.*
This way of thinking seems to have also spread to various organizations where, if a certain
speaker is
present, others immediately withdraw support or condemn the entire proceedings.
*guess that is what is called--varied opinions! And thankfully we CAN take umbrage, if we
want! :) sure beats having someone, whose viewpoints are anathema to you personally shoved
down your throat! ....gracious...I think of pro-life and its stand against abortion [a nice word
for murder, IMVHO] objecting to a proponent of abortion speaking at a Catholic
University...or such. Thanks be to God that they have the courage to stand up and be
Yet, as I understand it, the Body of Christ is present not only in the Eucharist but also in each
and every one of us. For example, Mother Theresa saw the Body of Christ present in the street
*We see Christ in one another, but not necessarily THE Body that is present in the Eucharist!
All of us are see our wonderful 'Christ' in others...but Diana, that is totally different than the
Christ present in the Eucharist.*
So, how can one part of the Body of Christ decide that
it's okay to shun another part of the Body of Christ, simply because they disagree with them in
matters of the head?
*I would guess the Magisterium....that would be my guess.
As for Rainbow Sash...last summer they appeared at the Bishops Meeting in Washington,
appeared at the Eucharist BUT were told ahead of time, by the bishops, that they..the R.S.
would not be allowed to receive.
Sounds callous, uncaring..lack of compassion know, who can tell if the person
wearing the sash is an 'active' homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered individual? no
way..and that is the problem, or so it seems to me.
The Church has spoken regarding homosexuality...see the Catechism. It is like: love and
accept the sinner; but not the sin itself.*
Can denying the Eucharist to people keep them from the Christ within? What good purpose can
it ever serve?
*It might keep a soul from being put in jeoprody (sp)...if they received our Lord and were
NOT in a state of grace. Now, no priest knows who is and who isn't in a state of grace as they
come down to receive, BUT if you are wearing a Rainbow Sash... let everyone know your
intent, then it is questionable.[for is this person 'active' inactive..??] ..*
I find this situation offensive and counterproductive.
*I find it protective ..of our Lord and His Body.*
I think it alienates far more than it benefits anyone
associated with it in any way.
*surprise..but i disagree. I think it gives great hope to the Body of Christ..the faithful..that the
Church will stand up and uphold what it teaches. Gives me great hope....*
I think it tries to narrow the focus of the Body of Christ to the Eucharist
without respecting and considering the Body of Christ that already exists in the people.
*this puzzles me beyond belief.....The Body of Christ in the Eucharist is the consecrated Body
of our Lord....
In what way do you propose considering that it already exists in people? well, it does...for a
wee bit of time..after receiving our Lord...but after that ???
Christ is to be seen in all people, yes; but not the consecrated Body of the Eucharist.
Are you saying that ALL people, no matter who they are; no matter their state of grace; or
whether they even believe in Transubstantiation should be allowed to receive because He
already exists within them?
I need some clarification of what you mean....:) *
*and Diana.. ...IF you were given the opportunity to define what comprises the Church and its
sacraments.....what would you say? *
ps. I am trying to respond in a different way...hope it works. If not...well...??