Posted by Gold Acacia on May 09, 19101 at 16:06:06:
In Reply to: Re: Roman Catholic Organization: is the true Church posted by kerari on January 01, 19101 at 11:53:41:
Maybe I'll try. Let's start with your statement "History, logic, and the Bible are against ALL non-Catholic 'Christians.'"
I'll try not to be "offensive" either.
Okay, History, logic, and the Bible. I'll only ask a question for each of these, and if you should read this by chance we can go from there:
1) Historically speaking, did Jesus seek to start a new institution, or did He call people out of an established institution? Given Biblical and historical evidence, would Jesus have even done such a thing? Now, I know that Catholic history records Peter as having been the first pope, and I won't argue that (although there is little evidence Biblically for this). But in light of his transgressions against the Lord (Jesus even called him Satan at one point) and his denial of the Lord at a most crucial time, would the establishment of a religious organization by Peter have been of divine ordination as the Catholic church claims?
2) Logic: I guess your asserting that it is illogical to be anything other than Catholic. I'm not certain what you are intending here. From what logical angle are you arguing that every believer should be Catholic?
3) The Bible does not record any religious institutions being established after the Lord's resurrection and ascension, especially Catholicism. Sorry, but there is just no evidence here at all. Now, there were believers meeting from house to house in the earliest days of the church (the Body of Christ); that's recorded in Acts 2:42-47 (notice also that vs.46 says "simplicity of heart?"). And later, Paul established church localities all over the Mediteranian (sp?). But there is no indication of a Catholic organization. In fact (historically speaking again) Catholicism was not established until hundreds of years after the Lord's death (circa A.D. 306 under Constantine).