Caring for the Self, Caring for the Soul
A Book of Spiritual Development
by Philip St. Romain
PDF eBook: $4.95
Here is a book that provides an abundance of simple but substantive resources to support pilgrims on the Christian spiritual journey.
Drawing from the riches of the Christian spiritual tradition, Eastern mysticism, modern psychology, and the author's life experiences, this book covers the following topics:
* Nature of the Soul
* Happiness and the Authentic Self
* Human Brokenness and Soul Sickness
* Walking with Christ
* Basics of Prayer
* Reconciliation and Healing
* Stages of Spiritual Growth
* Dynamics of the Heart
"This is a trustworthy guide to the high ground of 21st-century spirituality. in the context of Christian belief and practice."
First edition by Liguori Publications, 2000
Re-published by Contemplative Ministries, Inc., 2009