Payment links
Spiritual direction/consultation: $50 per hour; 25.00 half-session; 75.00 extended session. Flexible donation option.
- Secure, online credit card payment.
- Or, send check to: Heartland Center for Spirituality. 3600 Broadway St. Great Bend, KS 67530, with notation of person you met with and what date.
General Support: Heartland Center for Spirituality
- Qualifies as a tax-deductible donation.
- Gift can be in honor, support, or memory of another. . .
- Secure, online credit card donation.
- Or, mail check to Heartland Center for Spirituality. 3600 Broadway. Great Bend, KS 67530 with notation that this is a donation for general support.
Internet Ministry Support
- Qualifies as a tax-deductible donation.
- Gift can be in honor, support, or memory of another.
- Secure, online credit card donation (scroll down page for donation form).
- Or, mail check to Heartland Center for Spirituality. 3600 Broadway. Great Bend, KS 67530 with notation that this is a donation for Internet ministry support.
Books for sale: numerous titles in paperback and digital formats.
Internet audio and video programs: immediate availability.