Internet Programs
Forum on Christianity and Spirituality
Monthly Zoom gatherings for prayer, teaching and discussion
Next topic: The Mystery of Christian Identity
April 3, 2025, 7:30 p.m. CDT
Most of the resources listed below are available for free or reduced rates.
Please support this ministry with a tax-deductible donation. Thank you!
Video Presentations
Come Holy Spirit: an invitation to renewal
Course includes 16 video presentations (8 - 13 min. each) with resources for reflection.
Christian Prayer Methods Course: ways of drawing closer to God
-no registration fee (free will donation)
Course includes 10 video presentations with handout resources and discussion option.
Great for individual or group study!
Christian Spirituality: Core Beliefs and Themes
Nine video slideshows with handouts
YouTube Channel
See for teachings on Christian theology and spiriitual practice. A few topics covered include:
The First Great Commandment;
Be Here Now in Love;
How the New Testament Came to Be (with Jerry Truex, Ph.D.);
Reincarnation and Christianity;
Discerning God's Will;
God, and the Problem of Suffering;
Can a Christian Believe in Evolution;
Jesus on the Cross: WHY?
- and many more!
Written Resources
Shalom Place Discussion Board
Interactive online retreats and workshops presented in discussion forum context. There is no registration fee, but a free-will donation is requested. These presentations are part of the Shalom Place Discussion Forum.
* Discerning God's Will. Six presentations.
* Communities in Transition: Introduction to Spiral Dynamics® Ten presentations with slideshow.
* Wonderfully Made (Christian Metaphysics) Six presentations.
* Psychological Types and Spirituality. 14 presentations.
* Freedom from Codependency. Eight presentations.
* Growing in Christ. Eight presentations
* Come, Holy Spirit! Eight presentations.
* Contemplative Practice Support. 20 presentations.
Audio Retreats and Workshops
Awaken Podcast Channel
Dozens of teachings on theology, prayer, and living the Christian life. Accessible via podccast resources like Apple, Spotify, Podbean and Google.
Basics of Spirituality
4 audio sessions with handouts
Also available as a podcast (see above) but without handouts.
Codependency Recovery and Christian Spirituality
4 audio sessions with handouts
Also available as a podcast (see above) but without handouts.
Abortion Debate
4 audio sessions.
Also available as a podcast (see above) but without handouts.
Catholic Responses to Fundamentalism
4 audio sessions.
Also available as a podcast (see above) but without handouts.
The Chakra System: A Christian Understanding
8 audio lessons with handouts